How to Build a ProxMox Hypervisor Cluster with NAS Disk

After struggling to recover a moderately important VM on one of my home lab servers running generic CentOS libvirt, a colleague suggested I investigate ProxMox as a replacement to libvirt since it offers some replication and clustering features. The test was quick and I was very impressed with the features available in the community edition. It took maybe 15-30 minutes to install and get my first VM running. I quickly rolled ProxMox out on my other two lab servers and started experimenting with replication and migration of VMs between the ProxMox cluster nodes.

The recurring pain I was experiencing with VM hosts centered around primarily failed disks, both HDD and SSD, but also a rare processor failure. I had already decided to invest a significant amount of money into a commercial NAS (one of the major failures was irrecoverability of a TrueNAS VM with some archive files). Although investing in a QNAP or Synology NAS device would introduce a single point of failure for all the ProxMox hosts, I decided to start with one and see if later I could justify the cost for a redundant QNAP. More on that in another article.

The current architecture of my lab environment now looks like this:

Figure 1 – ProxMox Storage Architecture

To reduce the complexity, I chose to setup ProxMox for replication of VM guests and allow live migration but not to implement HA clustering yet. To support this configuration, the QNAP NAS device is configured to advertise a number of iSCSI LUNs, each with a dedicated iSCSI target hosted on the QNAP NAS system. Through trial and error testing I decided to configure four (4) 250GB LUNs for each ProxMox host. All four (4) of those LUNs are added into a new ZFS zpool making 1TB of storage available to each ProxMox host. Since this iteration of the design is not going to use shared cluster aware storage, each host has a dedicated 1TB ZFS pool (zfs-iscsi1) however each pool is named the same to facilitate replication from one ProxMox host to another. For higher performance requirements, I also employ a single SSD on each host which have also been placed into a ZFS pool (zfs-ssd1) named the same on each host.

A couple of notes on architecture vulnerabilities. Each ProxMox host should have dual local disks to allow ZRAID1 mirroring. I chose to have only single SSD in each host to start with and tolerate a local disk failure – replication will be running on critical VM to limit the loss in the case of a local SSD failure. Any VM that cannot tolerate any disk failure will only use the iSCSI disks.

Setup ProxMox Host and Add ProxMox Hosts to Cluster

  • Server configuration: 2x 1TB HDD, 1x 512GB SSD
  • Download ProxMox install ISO image and burn to USB

Boot into the ProxMox installer

Assuming the new host has dual disks that can be mirrored, chose Advanced for the boot disk and select ZRAID1 – this will allow you to select the two disks to be mirrored

Follow the installation prompts and sign in on the console after the system reboots

  • Setup the local SSD as ZFS pool “zfs-ssd1”

Use lsblk to identify local disks attached to find the SSD


sda      8:0    0 931.5G  0 disk 
├─sda1   8:1    0  1007K  0 part 
├─sda2   8:2    0     1G  0 part 
└─sda3   8:3    0 930.5G  0 part 
sdb      8:16   0 476.9G  0 disk 
sdc      8:32   0 931.5G  0 disk 
├─sdc1   8:33   0  1007K  0 part 
├─sdc2   8:34   0     1G  0 part 
└─sdc3   8:35   0 930.5G  0 part 

Clear the disk label if any and create empty GPT

 sgdisk --zap-all /dev/sdb
 sgdisk --clear --mbrtogpt /dev/sdb

Create ZFS pool with the SSD

 zpool create zfs-ssd1 /dev/sdb
 zpool list

rpool      928G  4.44G   924G          0%     0%  1.00x    ONLINE
zfs-ssd1   476G   109G   367G          1%    22%  1.00x    ONLINE

Update /etc/pve/storage.cfg and ensure ProxMox host is listed as a node for zfs-ssd1 pool. Initial entry can only list the first node. When adding another ProxMox host, the new host gets added to the nodes list.

zfspool: zfs-ssd1
	pool zfs-ssd1
	content images,rootdir
	mountpoint /zfs-ssd1
	nodes lab2,lab1,lab3

Note the /etc/pve files are maintained in a global filesystem and any edits while on one host will reflect on all other ProxMox cluster nodes.

  • Configure QNAP iSCSI targets with attached LUNs
      • Configure network adapter on ProxMox host for the direct connection to QNAP, ensure MTU is set 9000 and speed 2.5Gb
      • Setup iSCSI daemon and disks for creation of zfs-iscsi1 ZFS pool

      Update /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf to setup automatic start, CHAP credentials

       cp /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf.orig
      node.startup = automatic
      node.session.auth.authmethod = CHAP
      node.session.auth.username = qnapuser
      node.session.auth.password = hUXxhsYUvLQAR
       chmod o-rwx /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf
       systemctl restart iscsid
       systemctl restart open-iscsi

      Validate connection to QNAP, ensure no sessions exist do discovery of published iSCSI targets. Ensure to use the high speed interface address of the QNAP.

       iscsiadm -m session -P 3
      No active sessions
       iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p

      In the output of the discovery it appears there are two sets of targets. This is due to multiple network adapters under Network Portal on the QNAP being included in the targets. We will use the high speed address ( for all the iscsiadm commands.

      Execute login to each iSCSI target

       iscsiadm -m node -T -p -l
      Logging in to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]
      Login to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260] successful.
       iscsiadm -m node -T -p -l
      Logging in to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]
      Login to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260] successful.
       iscsiadm -m node -T -p -l
      Logging in to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]
      Login to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260] successful.
       iscsiadm -m node -T -p -l
      Logging in to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]
      Login to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260] successful.

      Verify iSCSI disks were attached

      sda      8:0    0 931.5G  0 disk 
      ├─sda1   8:1    0  1007K  0 part 
      ├─sda2   8:2    0     1G  0 part 
      └─sda3   8:3    0 930.5G  0 part 
      sdb      8:16   0 476.9G  0 disk 
      ├─sdb1   8:17   0 476.9G  0 part 
      └─sdb9   8:25   0     8M  0 part 
      sdc      8:32   0 931.5G  0 disk 
      ├─sdc1   8:33   0  1007K  0 part 
      ├─sdc2   8:34   0     1G  0 part 
      └─sdc3   8:35   0 930.5G  0 part 
      sdd      8:48   0   250G  0 disk 
      sde      8:64   0   250G  0 disk 
      sdf      8:80   0   250G  0 disk 
      sdg      8:96   0   250G  0 disk

      Create GPT label on new disks

       sgdisk --zap-all /dev/sdd
       sgdisk --clear --mbrtogpt /dev/sdd
       sgdisk --zap-all /dev/sde
       sgdisk --clear --mbrtogpt /dev/sde
       sgdisk --zap-all /dev/sdf
       sgdisk --clear --mbrtogpt /dev/sdf
       sgdisk --zap-all /dev/sdg
       sgdisk --clear --mbrtogpt /dev/sdg

      Create ZFS pool for iSCSI disks

       zpool create zfs-iscsi1 /dev/sdd /dev/sde /dev/sdf /dev/sdg
       zpool list
      NAME       SIZE  ALLOC   FREE  ...   FRAG    CAP  DEDUP    HEALTH
      rpool      928G  4.44G   924G          0%     0%  1.00x    ONLINE
      zfs-ssd1   476G   109G   367G          1%    22%  1.00x    ONLINE
      zfs-iscsi1 992G   113G   879G          0%    11%  1.00x    ONLINE

      Setup automatic login on boot for iSCSI disks

       iscsiadm -m node -T -p -o update -n node.startup -v automatic
       iscsiadm -m node -T -p -o update -n node.startup -v automatic
       iscsiadm -m node -T -p -o update -n node.startup -v automatic
       iscsiadm -m node -T -p -o update -n node.startup -v automatic

      Update /etc/pve/storage.cfg for the zfs-iscsi1 ZFS pool to show up in the ProxMox GUI. Initial entry can only list the first node. When adding another ProxMox host, the new host gets added to the nodes list.

      zfspool: zfs-iscsi1
      	pool zfs-iscsi1
      	content images,rootdir
      	mountpoint /zfs-iscsi1
      	nodes lab2,lab1,lab3

      Next I will cover the configuration of VM for disk replication across one or more ProxMox hosts.

      Building an Irrigation Power Controller

      To complement the Raspberry Pi based Garden Controller I’ve designed and built, I decided to separate the irrigation valve and pump control onto a separate project and circuit board in order to make it more generically applicable. My intent is to make this Power Controller useful for any designer that has a computer capable of I2C communication.

      Since this new Power Controller will be a generic controller that uses I2C communication, provides 24VAC for irrigation valves and also control of external power relays for two pumps, it needs to provide all it’s own power versus only relying on a 3.3v feed from the I2C host. I decided this will be the initial feature set:

      • Overall
      • Control of and power for five (5) standard 24VAC irrigation valves
      • Control of two (2) external 12VDC relays to drive 120VAC pumps (or any supply voltage controlled by the 12VDC relays)
      • Three (3) general purpose I/O lines, programmable for input or output
      • Optional AC frequency sense output to host computer
      • Inputs
      • 1x 120VAC xxA
      • 1x 3.3v I2C control bus (SCL, SDA)
      • 3x 5v generic I/O lines
      • Outputs
      • 5VDC 200mA max external
      • 12VDC 26mA max external
      • 5x 24VAC direct drive for valves
      • 2x 12VDC external relay for pump control
      • 3.3v interrupt line to host computer for AC frequency sensing

      3D PCB View

      PowerController v2.4.1 Board

      Design and Prototype

      I used Kicad schematic and PCB design tools to begin building a dedicated power controller board. Found there was a trade off between having all of the switching and power functions on the single board versus moving the 120VAC switching off board to dedicated power relays. Given the possible high VAC current requirement for switching pumps, I found using the external relays allowed me to substantially reduce the PCB size and width of traces. At the same time, using a transformer that could supply 24VAC directly to the irrigation valves would enable a compact design with minimal external components to the controller board. To offer maximum flexibility, I chose to add the ability to use a small number of the GPIO lines for either input or output along with a modest amount of external 3.3v, 5v and 12v power. The GPIO controller I chose was the MCP230017 which includes a built in I2C interface and two banks of 8 individually addressable I/O lines.

      Due to the best valve relay choice and the fact that most of the external sensors I wanted to use, I chose to drive the MCP23017 at 5v although seems possible to also drive at 3.3v. For I2C and interrupt line to host interfaces I included 3.3v – 5v level converters.

      v2.4.1 Schematic

      For each of the relays we don’t need more than x mA so simple NPN 2N2222 transistors can be used to switch the relay coil voltage. Despite opting to use through-hole components versus surface mount so this board is easier to make for any hobbyists who use this design, I did want to reduce the component count and footprint where possible. Two areas include any pull-up or limiting resistors and all the kick-back diodes on all the switching transistors. DIP and SIP packages reduce both component count and board real estate.

      Verification kick-back diodes working as intended

      Power Supply Design

      Since the Power Controller needs to provide power for the irrigation valves and external pump control relays, I started with the valve requirements. Need to have 24VAC available to drive up to five (5) valves. I chose to use professional grade RainBird x valves since I want reliable operation given the extensive irrigation I’m choosing to install. Given the in-rush and holding current required for each valve, the Hammond 183K24 transformer will suit given it’s 56VA maximum power factor.

      Power Supply Specifications

      • Hammond 183K24 transformer 56VA max, 24VAC 2.33A max, 12VAC 4.66A max, 24VAC 2.33A max, 12VAC 4.66A max
      • 5VDC 400mA max 2W (200mA internal max, 200mA external max)
      • 12VDC  167mA max 2W (140mA internal max, 26mA external max)
      • 24VAC  1.5A at 5 valves, leaves 0.83A
      • Valve requirement is 0.3A in-rush, 0.23A holding current (5 valves = 1.5A in-rush, 1.15A holding current)
      • Valve power 24VAC x 1.5A = 36W (27.6W holding)

      Output (Internal)

      5VDC 400mA max

        ..  each relay 40mA .. 200mA all on x 5 VDC = 1W

        ..  200 mA max external supply = 2W

      Output (External)

      5x  24VAC xx A – direct drive for 24VAC valves

      2x  12VDC xx A – indirect drive for external 12VDC 120VAC relays

      1x  3.3v AC sense interrupt line

      3x  5v I/O lines programmable input or output

      External 120VAC relays

      Tnisesm 2PCS Power Relay DC12V Coil, 30A SPDT(1NO 1NC) 120 VAC with Flange Mounting and 10 Quick Connect Terminals Wires Mini Relay NT90-DC12V-10X

        ..  70mA per coil .. 140mA x 12 VDC = 1.68W

      Maximum power dissipation on LM340 without heatsink at 50C .. 2W

      Other power dissipation guides: 10W enclosed, 20W vented with no heat sinks

      Recommend no more than two (2) valves active simultaneously to limit dissipation in the enclosure that houses the PowerController.  Pumps can be run simultaneously with valves due to low current draw.

      Printed Circuit Board Design

      Imported the schematic design to the KiCad PCB Editor and was quickly able to setup board dimensions, component layout and solder zones. Chose a two layer board to keep costs down, even though I chose to use a PCB manufacturer stateside. OSHPark is a great organization to work with that produces top quality boards. General design guidelines I followed include assigning hot or neutral to each of the two layers as well as north-south or east-west paths. Even following those guidelines I did need to use a small number of vias to route a path across a layer’s traces.

      Trace view of printed circuit board

      I heavily used the KiCad PCB Editor 3D view feature to help validate component placement on the circuit board. Most of the components were sources from Mouser Electronics, which has links to component symbols and footprints usable with most electronic design software (EDS) packages including KiCad. Where there wasn’t a component library available, typically you can request a part library be created. Samac will generate a zip file that contains symbol, footprint and even 3D model.


      Assembly of the board started with all the low profile components to make it easier to lay flat and hold the components in place while soldering.


      Once all the low power components were installed I ran some simple bench tests by feeding 3.3v and 5v to the power via the I/O block intended to provide power output once the board is completed. Only the passive components were plugged into their respective sockets so voltage tests and relay tests could be done.

      Both Valve 1 and Pump 1 were successfully activated via the manual test buttons. Since there wasn’t any high voltage or on-board power yet, I determined the Valve 1 test was successful by running a resistance check from V1+ terminal screw to a 24VAC FUSED pad and V1- terminal screw to a LV NEUT pad. All the other terminal screws were open/off to both their respective 24VAC and LV NEUT feeds.

      Pump 1 activated by push button successfully provided 12VDC to the Pump 1 screw terminals.

      Active Component Testing

      I removed all power and installed the MCP23017 IC then connected the 3V3, SDA, SCL and GND terminal block pins to the test Raspberry Pi. I also ran 5VDC from the Raspberry to the 5VDC I/O terminal block since the power supply components are not soldered in yet.

      Powered on the Raspberry Pi and saw the 3V3 and 5V LEDs light up. Ran an i2cdetect to test connection to the PowerController:

      Power Controller Software

      I chose to use the MCP23017 integrated GPIO controller due to the inclusive and compact hardware (simple single 20 pin DIP) and the extensive Python libraries available to simplify coding for status and control.

      At I have developed a Python based control script
      –i2caddress: I2C address of the PowerController board, default 0x24
      –testcount: Number of test cycles to run, default 3
      –testontime: On time for tests (sec), default 1
      –syslog: Send syslog status messages
      –testofftime: Off time for tests (sec), default 1
      –verbose: Print progress messages
      –relay: [‘valve1’, ‘valve2’, ‘valve3’, ‘valve4’, ‘valve5’, ‘pump1’, ‘pump2’, ‘test’, ‘all’]
      Name of relay to operate on
      –action: [‘on’, ‘off’]
      Action to perform on relay. Note relay ‘all’ can only accept action ‘off’

      While there is no limitation in the control script to prohibit multiple relays engaged at the same time, it is recommend to have no more than two (2) valves active simultaneously to limit heat dissipation in the enclosure that houses the PowerController.  Both pumps can be run simultaneously with valves due to low current draw of the control relays.

      Outbound network traffic with multiple interfaces

      Why does Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 invalidate / discard packets when the route for outbound traffic differs from the route of incoming traffic?

      Issue Description
      Why does Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 invalidate / discard packets when the route for outbound traffic differs from the route of incoming traffic?
      Why does Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 differ from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 in handling asymmetrically routed packets?

      Solution posted at

      Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 Resolution

      Temporary change
      To accept asymmetrically routed (outgoing routes and incoming routes are different) packets set “rp_filter” to 2 and restart networking, by running the following commands:

      echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/default/rp_filter
      echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter

      Persistent change
      To make this behaviour persistent across reboots, modify /etc/sysctl.conf and make the following change prior to reboot:

      net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 2

      Root Cause

      RHEL6 (unlike RHEL5) defaults to using ‘Strict’ Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) filtering.

      The sysctl net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter selects the default RPF filtering setting for IPv4 networking. (It can be overridden per network interface through net.ipv4.interfacename.rp_filter).

      Both RHEL6 and RHEL5 ship with a default /etc/sysctl.conf that sets this sysctl to 1, but the meaning of this value is different between the RHEL6 and the RHEL5 kernel.

      Microsoft Shortcuts and Notes

      Searching within Outlook 2010

      Useful keyword searches:

      category:=”Red Category”
      read:no Items that have not been read. You can also use read:false to get the same results.
      category:business Items that are categorized as business.
      messagesize:enormous Items whose size is larger than 5 megabytes

      Windows 7
      Launch command window based on specific folder

      Open command window here

      Make your own Reduce File Size presets for PDF export

      Within Preview there is a filter that can be used to reduce the size of PDF files (think of PDF files that are 600 DPI high resolution).  Unfortunately it produces very poor quality images to the point of being unusable. Fortunately there is a way to create and install your own custom quartz filters for use in Preview that give large file size reductions while maintaining good quality.

      After some googling, I found a perfect article that explains why the default Mac OS X Reduce File Size filter produces terrible quality images .. and how to fix that:

      The filter, which is just a XML file, can be edited with any text or programming editor then saved to the  /System/Library/Filters  directory with a unique filename.  The Reduce File Size (Good) filter is what I use .. rather than posting as a code block and messing around with escaping the XML so the code displays correctly, the file is available for [download here].

      Simply download the contents of this file, ensure it is renamed to a .qfilter file, then copy into the system filter directory (so it is available for all users). I chose to use /System/Library/Filters/Reduce File Size Good.qfilter. You may need to be a Mac OS X Administrator to write this file into the shared system library folder. At this point, in Preview you can use this filter to reduce large scanned PDF files by almost a magnitude of order.

      Here is the text of the original post:

      Make your own Reduce File Size presets for PDF export
      Jul 05, ’12 07:30:00AM Contributed by: zpjet

      I was never satisfied with results of “Reduce File Size” Quartz filter when trying to make some PDFs smaller before sending them by e-mail. It made them too small, and the graphics were fuzzy.

      I eventually found where these filters are:


      I was delighted to find out they’re XML files easily editable with TextEdit (or any other text editor). I also found why this particular filter makes quite unusable PDFs, as these parameters were just too low:

      Compression Quality 0.0
      ImageSizeMax 512

      So I copied this file to my Desktop, and then made two more copies of it, and called them Reduce File Size Good, Better and Best. Then I changed the parameters of each file to 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 for Compression Quality, and used these three values for ImageSizeMax:

      842 (that’s A4 at 72dpi)
      1684 (A4 at 144dpi)
      3508 (A4 at 300dpi)

      Finally, I changed the default string for the Name key at the end of each file to reflect the three settings, so they display the names I have given them in the menu.

      Then I copied them to a /Library/Filters folder I created (for some reason, ~/Library/Filters doesn’t work in Lion) and now when I open a picture or PDF in Preview, I have the option of four different qualities for reduced file sizes.

      As an example, I have a JPEG of scanned A4 invoice at 300dpi and it’s 1.6MB. When exporting to PDF in reduced size, the file is only 27 KB and it’s quite unusable – very fuzzy and hard to read. The Good one is much easier to read, slightly fuzzy and still only 80 KB. Better is 420 KB and clear, and the Best is 600 KB and almost as good as the original even on a laser printer.

      Apple Airport Utility 5.6 on Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

      Apple has been continuously dumbing down the AirPort Utility to the point where their default AirPort Utility (version 6.x) is virtually useless.  Settings such as syslog destination, NTP settings, etc can only be set with AirPort Utility 5.6 – problem is it cannot be loaded on Mountain Lion (10.8.4).  Discussion here at shows how to install AirPort Utility 5.6.1 on ML without clobbering version 6.

      In case Apple removes that thread (written by Douglas Urner), here it is:

      Just in case you’d like to use AirPort Utility 5.6.1 on Mountain Lion (and probably Lion as well), here’s how to install it:

      1. Download the disk image (you can find it here:
      2. Mount the disk image and drag the install package (AirPortUtility.pkg) to your desktop.
      3. Fire up Terminal and prepare to show off…
      4. Make a temporary directory and cd into it: mkdir tmp ; cd tmp
      5. Extract the Payload file from the install package with xar, here’s the command: xar -x -f ~/Desktop/AirPortUtility.pkg Payload
      6. The result will be a directory named AirPortUtility.pkg (just like the file, but now you can move into it to get the files you want). Inside will be a file called Payload that is a compressed archive of AirPort
      7. So our next move is to extract the app. Here’s the command: gzcat AirPortUtility.pkg/Payload | tar -xf –
      8. When it finished there will be three new folders Applications, Library, and System. Your nice new copy of AirPort Utility 5.6.1 will be in the Utilities folder inside of the Applications folder. Use Finder to rename it (assuming you want to keep version 6 as well) then drag it to your Applications/Utilities folder.
      9. The other two folders hold the AirPort Base Station Agent and its supporting files. I’m not sure if you need/want these or not. As best I can figure the agent does two things: it checks for updates for AirPort Utility and it monitors AirPort base stations for problems. You probably already have a version running as it comes with the system and it seems to know how to talk to both versions of AirPort Utility (I got nagged about updating).
      10. The final step is to launch AirPort Utility and confirm that it works. You’ll probably want to go into preferences and turn off the option to check for updates. If all is good you can remove the temporary directory: cd .. ; rm -rf tmp (or drag it into the trash with Finder).

      That pretty much does it. I hope it helps somebody out there.

      Seagate Disk Replacement and RAID1 mdadm Commands

      So I’ve had to replace a Seagate disk yet again and spent a frustrating amount of time on their website looking for a link to their warrenty replacement page >>

      At least this time, I’m using Linux software RAID for a RAID1 mirroring configuration. When I determined there was a disk failure, I used the following mdadm commands to remove the bad drive:

      # cat /proc/mdstat
      Personalities : [raid1]
      md0 : active raid1 sda1[0](F) sdb1[2]
      5139084 blocks [2/1] [U_]
      md1 : active raid1 sda2[0](F) sdb2[2]
      9841585344 blocks [2/1] [U_]
      unused devices:

      – Fail and remove all /dev/sdb partitions (/dev/sdb1, /dev/sdb2)
      # mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --fail /dev/sdb1
      mdadm: set /dev/sdb1 faulty in /dev/md0
      # mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --remove /dev/sdb1
      mdadm: hot removed /dev/sdb1
      # mdadm --manage /dev/md1 --fail /dev/sdb3
      mdadm: set /dev/sdb3 faulty in /dev/md1
      # mdadm --manage /dev/md1 --remove /dev/sdb3
      mdadm: hot removed /dev/sdb3

      – Shutdown and replace the bad disk (assuming you have been able to replace with the exact disk)
      – Copy the partition table from the surviving disk
      # sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk /dev/sdb

      – Re-attach the partitions from /dev/sdb to the RAID1 mirrors:
      # mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdb1
      # mdadm --manage /dev/md1 --add /dev/sdb2

      You should now see the md devices syncing up by:
      # cat /proc/mdstat
      Personalities : [raid1]
      md0 : active raid1 sda1[1] sdb1[2]
      5139084 blocks [2/1] [U_]
      [======>.......] recovery = 49.3% ...

      Once the sync completes, install grub on both the drives again:
      # grub
      grub> root (hd0,0)
      grub> setup (hd0)
      grub> root (hd1,0)
      grub> setup (hd1)

      Great reference pages:

      How to reset the enable password on a Cisco ASA 5505

      How to reset the enable password on an ASA 5505:

      The following procedure worked for me to reset the enable password.

      Connect to serial port – typically 9600,8,N,1.  On my MacBook Pro, I use a Keyspan USB-Serial adapter, so my command line is:

      screen /dev/tty.USA19Hfd13P1.1 9600,8

      You can eventually use <ctrl-A><ctrl-\> to kill the screen session.

      Power on the device.
      When it prompts to interrupt boot sequence, do so (press ESC).

      It should prompt

      rommon #0>

      Type in:
      rommon #0> confreg

      Should show something like:

      Current Configuration Register: 0×00000001
      Configuration Summary:
      boot default image from Flash

      Do you wish to change this configuration? y/n [n]:

      Press n (don’t change)

      We can have the ASA boot a default config with no password by setting register flags 0×41, so do this:

      rommon #2> confreg 0×41
      rommon #2> reboot

      You now can login as the password has been removed (use <return> as the password).  Be sure to set the enable password with:

      config t
      enable password new-password-here
      config-register 0x1

      Ensure you either use the config-register command or interrupt the boot sequence again and reset the boot flags back to 0x1, otherwise the boot loader will continue to boot the default configuration – ignoring your configuration.


      Unix, Linux and Mac OS X Notes

      Here’s some notable command syntax I use. You can also select the Notes category and you’ll get more specific topics such as Linux LVM and Mac OS X commands.

      rsyslog options

      Forward syslog events to external host via UDP:
      – edit /etc/rsyslog.conf .. add a stanza like the example at the end of the file .. a single @ = UDP forward, @@ = TCP forward

      $WorkDirectory /var/lib/rsyslog # where to place spool files
      $ActionQueueFileName fwdRule1 # unique name prefix for spool files
      $ActionQueueMaxDiskSpace 1g # 1gb space limit (use as much as possible)
      $ActionQueueSaveOnShutdown on # save messages to disk on shutdown
      $ActionQueueType LinkedList # run asynchronously
      $ActionResumeRetryCount -1 # infinite retries if host is down
      # remote host is: name/ip:port, e.g., port optional
      *.* @

      – restart the rsyslog daemon
      systemctl restart rsyslog.service
      service rsyslog restart

      Mac OS X syslog to remote syslog server

      Forward syslog events on Mac OS X 10.11 to external syslog server via UDP or TCP:
      – edit /etc/syslog.conf .. add a line at the end of the file .. a single @ = UDP forward, @@ = TCP forward

      *.* @
      # remote host is: name or ip:port, e.g., port optional

      – restart the OS X syslog daemon
      sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
      sudo launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

      Write ISO image to USB on Mac

      – plug in USB to Mac
      – lookup disk number
      sudo diskutil list
      – unmount the USB
      sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
      – copy ISO image to USB
      sudo dd if=CentOS.iso of=/dev/disk2

      NIC MAC change

      Changing MAC address of NIC
      – RedHat stores this in: /etc/sysconfig
      You need to edit the hwaddr in /etc/sysconfig/hwconf and HWADDR in the other locations (some are links).

      ssh tunneling of syslog traffic

      – Example SSH configuration for tunneling a syslog TCP stream from a remote server back to a local node:

      Remote node has TCP client process (rsyslog) running, we want it to write to a local TCP port (15514/tcp), and have that local port forward to the local node we have initiated the ssh connection from to a syslog daemon listening on port 1514/tcp:

      Remote node rsyslog.conf:

      Event flow is through ssh on the remote node, listening on 15514/tcp and forwarding to the local node via ssh tunnel launched on the local node:
      $ ssh -R 15514:localhost:1514 remotehostusername@remote.hostname.domain

      To complete the picture, we probably want some sort of process on the local node to detect when the ssh connection has been lost and (1) re-establish the ssh connection, (2) restart rsyslog on the remote host to re-establish the connection from the remote rsyslog daemon to the ssh listener on port 15514/tcp.

      YUM Software Repository

      – Manually add DVD location/repository by: Using a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation DVD as a Software Repository

      To use a Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation DVD as a software repository, either in the form of a physical disc, or in the form of an ISO image file.

      1. Create a mount point for the repository:
      mkdir -p /path/to/repo

      Where /path/to/repo is a location for the repository, for example, /mnt/repo. Mount the DVD on the mount point that you just created. If you are using a physical disc, you need to know the device name of your DVD drive. You can find the names of any CD or DVD drives on your system with the command cat /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info. The first CD or DVD drive on the system is typically named sr0. When you know the device name, mount the DVD:
      mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/device_name /path/to/repo
      For example: mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /mnt/repo

      If you are using an ISO image file of a disc, mount the image file like this:
      mount -r -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/image/file.iso /path/to/repo
      For example: mount -r -o loop /home/root/Downloads/RHEL6-Server-i386-DVD.iso /mnt/repo

      Note that you can only mount an image file if the storage device that holds the image file is itself mounted. For example, if the image file is stored on a hard drive that is not mounted automatically when the system boots, you must mount the hard drive before you mount an image file stored on that hard drive. Consider a hard drive named /dev/sdb that is not automatically mounted at boot time and which has an image file stored in a directory named Downloads on its first partition:

      mkdir /mnt/temp
      mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/temp
      mkdir /mnt/repo
      mount -r -t iso9660 -o loop mount -r -o loop /mnt/temp/Downloads/RHEL6-Server-i386-DVD.iso /mnt/repo

      2. Create a new repo file in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory:
      The name of the file is not important, as long as it ends in .repo. For example, dvd.repo is an obvious choice. Choose a name for the repo file and open it as a new file with the vi text editor. For example:

      vi /etc/yum.repos.d/dvd.repo


      The name of the repository is specified in square brackets — in this example, [dvd]. The name is not important, but you should choose something that is meaningful and recognizable. The line that specifies the baseurl should contain the path to the mount point that you created previously, suffixed with /Server for a Red Hat Enterprise Linux server installation DVD, or with /Client for a Red Hat Enterprise Linux client installation DVD. NOTE: After installing or upgrading software from the DVD, delete the repo file that you created to get updates from the online sources.

      IP Networking

      – Manually add IPv4 alias to interface by:
      ip addr add dev eth4
      – Manually remove that IPv4 alias to interface by (note the subnet mask):
      ip addr del dev eth4
      – Manually add route for specific host:
      route add -host gw

      pcap files

      – Split large pcap file by using command line tool that comes with Wireshark editcap:
      editcap -c 10000 infile.pcap outfile.pcap

      tcpdump options

      Display only packets with SYN flag set (for host and NOT port 80):
      tcpdump 'host  &&  tcp[13]&0x02 = 2  &&  !port 80'

      Mac OS X (10.7)

      sudo /usr/sbin/sysctl -w net.inet.ip.fw.enable=1
      sudo /sbin/ipfw -q /etc/firewall.conf
      sudo ifconfig en0 lladdr 00:1e:c2:0f:86:10
      sudo ifconfig en1 alias netmask
      sudo ifconfig en1 -alias
      sudo route add -net

      rpm commands:

      List files in an rpm file
      rpm -qlp package-name.rpm

      List files associated with an already installed package
      rpm --query –-filesbypkg package-name
      How do I find out what rpm provides a file?
      yum whatprovides '*bin/grep'
      Returns the package that supplies the file, but the repoquery tool (in the yum-utils package) is faster and provides more output as well as do other queries such as listing package contents, dependencies, reverse-dependencies.

      sed commands:

      Remove specific patterns (delete or remove blank lines):
      sed '/^$/d'
      sed command matching multiple line pattern (a single log line got split into two lines, the second line beginning with a space):
      cat syslog3.txt | sed 'N;s/\n / /' > syslog3a.txt
      – matches the end of line (\n) and space at the beginning of the next line, then removes the newline

      awk commands:

      Print out key value pairs KVP separated by =:
      awk /SRC=/ RS=" "
      Print out source IP for all iptables entries that contain the keyword recent:
      cat /var/log/iptables.log | egrep recent | awk /SRC=/ RS=" " | sort | uniq
      Sum column one in a file, giving the average (where NR is the automatically computed number of lines in the file):
      ./packet_parser analyzer_data.pcap | awk '{print $5}' | sed -e 's/length=//g' | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} { sum+=$1 } END { print sum/NR }'
      Find the number of tabs per line – used to do a sanity check on tab delimited input files
      awk -F$'\t' '{print NF-1;}' file | sort -u

      sort by some mid-line column

      I wanted to sort by the sub-facility message name internal to the dovecot messages, so found the default behavior of sorting by space delimited columns works.

      sort -k6 refers to the sixth column with the default delimiter as space.
      sort -tx -k1.20,1.25 is an alternative, where ‘x’ is a delimiter character that does not appear anywhere in the line, and character position 20 is the start of the sort key and character position 25 is the end of the sort key.

      This sorts by the bold column:
      $ sort -k6 dovecot.txt
      Oct 7 09:09:31 server1 dovecot: auth: mysql: Connected to (db1)
      Oct 7 09:34:03 server1 dovecot: auth: sql(, Password mismatch
      Oct 7 09:33:36 server1 dovecot: auth: sql(, unknown user
      Oct 7 09:15:27 server1 dovecot: imap( Disconnected for inactivity bytes=946/215256
      Oct 7 09:21:11 server1 dovecot: imap( Disconnected: Logged out bytes=120/12718

      dos2unix equivalent with tr

      tr -d '\15\32' < windows-file.csv > unix-file.csv

      Fedora 16 biosdevname

      – Fedora 16 includes a package called “biosdevname” that sets up strange network port names (p3p1 versus eth0) .. since I don’t particilarly care if my ethernet adapter(s) is(are) in a particular PCI slot, remove this nonsense by:

      yum erase biosdevname

      – to take total control of network interfaces back over (edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth?)

      – remove NetworkManager

      yum erase NetworkManager
      chkconfig network on